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Cat Resource Center
PO Box 3245
Santa Clara CA 95055
The CRC is a non-profit 501(c)(3). All donations are tax deductible.
100% of your donation
supports the cats for food, equipment, medical care, and other services.
Quick Links
● I have kittens in my yard
● Stray cat problems
● I need to give up my cat
● My cat is scratching things
● Report a colony
● Request assistance
● Request equipment
● Zone Map
● I'd like to adopt a cat
● Calendar & public events
● Join the CRC
● Register Your Organization
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Feral Cat Workbook
Free Download
: Available FREE for the first time: Feral Cat Caretakers Coalition Caretaking Workbook ...
Get it now (FCCC site)
Help Needed Now
Drivers Needed
: Do you have a few hours here and there to drive cats or supplies?...
click here
Fosters Need You
: Do you have love to spare and a few free hours each day?...
click here
Vet Shortage and Impossible to Find TNR
There is an acute shortage of vets in California,and nationwide, detailed in
this study done by UC Davis
As such most Bay Area shelters have had to severely limit or even suspend their TNR programs.
At the same time private vet costs have risen sharply.
To help, the state recently approved
expanded vet telehealth services
, and along with other government and private agencies are working towards alleviating the situation through
other programs
Recent Activity
What we've been up to
: some of the things the CRC has done lately for the public or CRC members....
read more
Feral Reclaim Program
When you register with CRC you have the option of getting an e-mail notification when a cat with an ear notch or ear tip is brought into animal control at either SJACS, SVACA, HSSV, or San Martín. If you recognize one of your colony cats from the e-mail, you may contact the shelter directly, or contact the feral reclaim coordinator for that area to get your cat back. Some agencies charge a reclaim fee.
Colony Food Assistance
This is a program to help people who feed colony cats by providing occasional cat food. Feeders must register with CRC and have already TNR’d or will TNR all cats in the colony. Recipients must also agree to a visit from a CRC representative to verify that the cats are neutered. All colony information is kept confidential, and listed in the database by general area only.
This program is meant to assist low income and fixed income feeders so that they may continue to support outdoor cats. It is limited to residents of Santa Clara County at this time. This program is not for pet cats.
The cat food will be various brands and the food will not be available every week. To sign up for the program, please submit a request including your contact information, general colony size and location, and verification that TNR is practiced for your colony (or colonies).
Click Here To Submit A Request
Donating Colony Food / Tax Deductions
If you would like to donate money or food for feeding CRC-registered cat colonies, please contact us! We are a 501 (c)(3) non-profit so all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS.